2014. január 24., péntek

Baba Mama angol klub - Játék 1 évesekkel

Entertaining our one year old  

It’s not easy to entertain children, especially one year olds. Still, there are many things we can do with them together and they can do on their own, and the basic tools are just in front of us.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a child entertaining herself for a little while? Check out this website, where you can find great ideas how to achieve this:

The first idea of the writer is a texture book. I’ve been thinking and designing a busy book or quiet book for Anna’s b-day, have already collected many ideas, like below. I thought it is not a big deal to sew a book like this, but I haven’t started it yet… J Anna loves Velcro (tépőzár) so I should definitely make a page with this. Maybe she cannot match colors yet, but she will be able to do so very soon. I’m going to use the buckles, zippers and shoe laces, all very interesting and exciting tool for a baby.

           Cute quiet book ideas

            Quiet Book Ideas.

This last one is just soooo perfect. I wouldn’t be able to make a piece of art like this, but it has many good ideas in it. For this one, here is the website:

Another website, where you can get ideas what to do with the one year old:

There are some activities, which are not appropriate for 8-10-month-olds, like sorting things, but that few weeks will fly away in a minute, so read carefully!
For younger babies (up to 1 year old) you’ll find ideas here:
My personal favorites:

Where's Teddy?
Hide a toy in one room of the house and carry your baby from room to room saying 'Where's teddy' and telling them what rooms you are looking in.
Roll the ball
Roll a soft, brightly coloured ball to your baby and teach them how to stop it and push it back to you.
Toys overboard!
Using elastic, tie small soft toys to the top of your baby's high-chair. Show them how you drop the toys and pull them back up again.
Hide and Seek
Show your baby a toy, then hide it under a towel or small blanket and help them find it.

On the last recommended site below, you can spend a lot of time, reading about
physical learning games (0-1):
and cognitive learning games (0-1):

At the bottom of the website, you can navigate yourself to other age groups as well!

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